Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Knitting Disaster!

What is missing in this picture? How about a big gold size 6 knitting needle on that raw edge!

I was working into my third pattern repeat when I noticed a small knot in the yarn, shortly after joining my second ball. I thought nothing of it and kept moving. A few rows later and it turns out that the knot was not just a tangle in the yarn, but actually keeping to yarn ends together. And it had COME UNDONE! First I freaked out a little, then spent about twenty minutes trying to tie the two tiny ends together, even tried spit-joining, and failed. Then I figured I'd unknit back to where the yarn broke, trying to keep the broken stitch from dropping using a paperclip. This was actually working, but I had difficulty unknitting the lace pattern and ended up dropping stitches anyway. It turned into one big clusterf*$&, and I had to just call it all a loss.

Months of work, a third of the way through the stole... kaput. I might have thrown it across the room, banged some drawers, and said some unladylike things. Just saying.

There's the offending break. Excuse me while a shed a tear...

So, this isn't a complete loss. I have learned two lessons from this: A) Don't just knit past a knot - undo it, and join the yarn properly. B) When knitting lace, a lifeline just might be your... lifeline.

* le sigh...*

Ayla and I went on a walk when I got home from work today, down to the local park, which is absolutely beautiful. Once we got down to the grass and I let her off leash, Ayla ran around like crazy - zigging and zagging, speeding this way and that, and generally acting like a pent-up dog that never gets outside.

We've been playing a lot of fetch lately and taking fewer walks, so it seems she was happy to really get out. I love this crazy dog, and the heart-shaped drool foam on her tongue.

We admired the sidewalk art of a kid on the walkway on the way home. There was quite a bit, mostly smiley-faced suns and strings of ABCs. And then there was this gem, from a child that apparently has quite a bit in common with my husband:

* I like pie / from kyle*

So do I, Kyle. So do I.

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