Friday, May 2, 2008

A Hard Day's Work

Mac came to work with me today! He promised to help with my filing:

It wasn't long before he was falling asleep on the job though:

At lunchtime we went with some of my closest coworkers for a picnic in Tilden Park. It was a belated birthday party for me. We had breads and sandwich makings, pickles (yum!) and pepperoncinis, chips and dips, strawberries, and chocolates that melted in the warm weather and became and impromptu fondue for the berries. Mac had fun running around, eating stuff on the ground, and playing with everyone. Bruce was scaring him with a tray, pretending it was a frisbee, when we were cleaning up:

But they made up:

We got back to my office and Mac was exhausted. He took a nap while I worked, waking up only to greet whoever came to see me:

After a snooze it was time for another party, with cake and ice cream and a bunch of people who couldn't make it to the picnic. Mac made the rounds, charming everyone (a few coworkers almost took him home with them) and begging for dessert:

He gave out kisses and cuddles to anyone who wanted them. He was really in his element!

He's been dubbed our work mascot; all he needs is a little spacesuit, helmet, and goggles (since our work deals with aerospace research). And he was great in my office, mostly sleeping and being polite to visitors, though he did really like a few people, if you know what I mean... that was a first for him, I swear! He's so easy to have at work, I'll probably do it more often.

I don't know why he looks so huge here, but its a funny picture:

In other news, congrats to my hubby who is now a SCIENTIST! Go get your science on! He got the news today that he has been accepted into a new position at his current company, where he's been working as a lab technician for a number of years. This is an incredible opportunity for him to expand his skills and really make a difference. I'm am so happy for him!

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